Do you think you are beautiful? Whether you say "yes" or "no" I have something to tell you.
If you said yes, then I think you have great self esteem and that's great! Just don't let it go to your head. Make sure to remember to give the credit for being beautiful to your Creator and all is well.
However, if you said no, I have much more to tell you. But this verse sums it up: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Did you know that when you say "I'm not beautiful" or "I'm ugly" you are calling God a liar and ugly. Not only that but you hurt His feelings; He created you BY HAND! He didn't just throw together a bunch of features and say "that'll do." He created you with love and care, giving attention to every little thing. God is more beautiful and more perfect than anything else. Ever. He created you in His image which means that you are beautiful too. When someone gives you a compliment don't counter back with "You're just saying that" or "Well, what do you know." Take the compliment and send it to God where it belongs.
Here's a video I like that goes with my post.
I hope my little ramblings gave you a little food for thought, and that you might appreciate yourself and your God even more.
In Him,
Tiffany Raye