Saturday, December 25, 2010

From My Heart to Yours

Merry Christmas Bloggers!!!!!! I'm not feeling to inspired or original to give you some stirring piece of advice that will make or break your Christmas. I'm not feeling Funny to give you a joke that will make you laugh long after your relatives go home. So, what's left... I'm feeling very friendly and loving and I want to give you a Christmas wish that will stay with you even after all the food is gone. So, from my heart to yours I'm wishing you the best, warmest, most loving and amazing Christmas wherever you find yourself and a blessed 2011 designed by God.
Make sure you don't get too caught up in what you did or didn't get, or get frustrated when your family embarrasses you to no end, and remember why we even celebrate December 25. There's a popular Christmas card greeting that says, "Jesus is the reason for the season" and there are bounds of truth in the statement. Jesus came to give Himself as the greatest gift ever given, and I want you and I to remember that in your heart until next Christmas... when all the hustle and bustle will begin again and we will have to re-focus our minds and hearts on what really matters.
Here are some verses that I especially liked this Christmas:
Psalm 98:4Shout joyfully to the LORD, all the earth;
Break forth and sing for joy and sing praises.

Sing Christmas carols this year for Jesus!!

Isaiah 9:6For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;
And the government will rest on His shoulders;
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
The greatest gift

One of my favorite verses in the Christmas story is
Luke 2:14“Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”

I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a blessed 2011!!!!
Love and peace,
Tiffany Raye

The picture above is a Thomas Kinkade I found on Google. :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Beautiful Creator

Do you think you are beautiful? Whether you say "yes" or "no" I have something to tell you.

If you said yes, then I think you have great self esteem and that's great! Just don't let it go to your head. Make sure to remember to give the credit for being beautiful to your Creator and all is well.

However, if you said no, I have much more to tell you. But this verse sums it up: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Did you know that when you say "I'm not beautiful" or "I'm ugly" you are calling God a liar and ugly. Not only that but you hurt His feelings; He created you BY HAND! He didn't just throw together a bunch of features and say "that'll do." He created you with love and care, giving attention to every little thing. God is more beautiful and more perfect than anything else. Ever. He created you in His image which means that you are beautiful too. When someone gives you a compliment don't counter back with "You're just saying that" or "Well, what do you know." Take the compliment and send it to God where it belongs.

Here's a video I like that goes with my post.

I hope my little ramblings gave you a little food for thought, and that you might appreciate yourself and your God even more.

In Him,
Tiffany Raye

Monday, October 11, 2010

Before You Meet Prince Charming

A friend of mine started a purity study for a couple friends and one of the things we did was write example letters. Here is mine:

~I feel so lonely. All of my friends have boyfriends. I'm trying to get guys' attention by texting, Facebooking, and emailing them. But I still don't have a boyfriend. Doesn't anybody notice me?~

~I just want you to know right now that I'm hurting for you! It's not easy or fun to be ignored.

First things first, you need to remember that God has designated someone special just for you. And that God will put you together when He is good and ready. God is never late, but he is not often early.

Secondly: even though it seems like all your friends are on their way to the ark the way they are paired up, it's okay to be single. Right after you accept Jesus you are complete in Him. You don't need someone else to "complete" you. The bible says "the two shall become one", not "the two halves shall become whole".

Last, but not least: the guy God made for you will love you for who you are. He doesn't need help noticing you, God will point you out to Him. Just as God will point out your prince to you.

Now, to elaborate on the pre-stated points: God designed someone special just for you. There are song lyrics that say And what if your prince comes riding in/While you're kissin' a frog /What's he gonna think then? Until then, get to know a lot of people in groups-not as potential dates, but as friends. You never know who God has planned for you. He could be someone you've known since preschool. If that's the case, do you really want him to stand by and watch as you chase all the boys in your social group? And if you meet him for the first time in college, do you want all the memories of past boyfriends to come to mind while you're with your new friend?

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 7 - I want you to be free from anxieties... the unmarried woman is anxious about the things of the LORD, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things... I say this for your benefit, not to lay a restraint on you but to promote your undivided devotion to the LORD. Besides what Paul said, God has called us to be "set apart" so purpose in your heart to be different.

You know how when you're looking for something and you can't find it so you give up. That's when you find it. In a way, that's how you should think about princes and boyfriends. I'd also like to point out that while there's nothing "wrong" with having a boyfriend in high school; there's nothing really "right" with it either. I'm not telling you that you can't have a boyfriend in high school, because that's not my business. However, I don't recommend dating the entire basketball team looking for one. Simply keep your mind on the LORD and all other things will fall into place. Paul said in Philippians 4 - I have learned in whatsoever state I am, to be content. I know it's hard, but be patient.

Basically, you should wait on God because his timing is perfect. Purpose in you heart to be "set apart" and Focus on God no matter what. God is way more fulfilling than having a boyfriend anyway.~

The song quote is from "Princes and Frogs" by Superchick.

I know that this is prob not much use to anyone who reads this and is already married, but I really enjoyed writing this and if it get's a good response, I have something else I could post that is similar to this.

In Him,

Tiffany Raye

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Family Road Trip 2010: Part 7

As our vacation draws to a close, I reflect on all the places we went. I've meet so many new people and learned all kinds of new things. Here are some of the pics. My compy wouldn't let me put up any more. :(

Signing the Declaration of Independence

Barracks on the Jersey

Captains Quarters


William Penn in on the top of the City Hall. The largest statue to ever be put on top of a building. His eye is 12" across!!! What does that say about the rest of him?!?

reflection of City Hall. Can you see William Penn?

Me being my strange self... Peace!!

The worlds first Penitentiary first invented by the Quakers who preferred penance to punishment. The prisoners were left alone with a Bible and had no interaction with anyone for the duration of their sentence. The idea was to get them to repent of their sin. As you may guess though, this penitentiary turned out more delusionals (yes, I made a new word) than reformed criminals. One of the prisoners, Al Capone, got to bring far more than a bible because was friends with someone there and he got to bring his desk, his rug, his couch, and more things I can't remember right now.

Philadelphia sky line from the battleship New Jersey.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Family Road Trip 2010: Part 6

We went back to Cape May (during the day this time) and drove down to Exit 0 (to the very end of the road). The view on the beach was really great.

I got to the end and Mom was gonna take a picture but the lifeguards whistled me off.

Since the birds are migrating, there are a TON of flocks everywhere.
After we played along the beach long enough we drove into town and walked the boardwalk (yes, another one. This is boardwalk number three). On the way though, we saw all these Victorian houses. While we were there I thought about how living in the Victorian age would be fun, and you would get to live in one of these beautiful houses and wear beautiful gowns. However, women were treated like property and a man was paid a dowry to take the woman. I don't think I would enjoy being sold like a cow. :P Just my thought on a little history tidbit. Totally irrelevant but... anyway

Our little seaside shack where we had lunch. Here's part of the convo we had with the worker:
Grandpa: "I'd like coffee please."
Worker: "Sorry, we don't have any coffee"
Mom: "But the menu says you have coffee"
Worker: "The menu also says we have meatballs, but we don't. See over here? it says we have bubblegum ice cream but we haven't had any all summer"
Dad: "Aw man. That's just what I was gonna order!" (he was kidding)

More Victorian houses we saw on the way to Atlantic City.

This is one of many toll booths that are everywhere here. You have to put quarters in to get on the freeway; you have to put quarters in to get off the freeway; you have to put quarters in to cross bridges (that are definitely not sparse around here); I wonder what we'll do if we run out of quarters...

I love this picture!

Someones balcony in Atlantic City.

So, we got to Atlantic City and looked for... can you guess? Yes, ANOTHER boardwalk. It wasn't much though so we looked for a hotel so we could head off to Delaware in the morning. Mom saw online that we could stay at the Hilton for under $80. What we didn't know was that you had to book in advance and you have to go gambling... we decided this wasn't the place for us and stayed at a hotel in a neighboring town away from the casinos.

Did you know that in the state of New Jersey is is UNLAWFUL to pump your own gas? The attendant will even wash your windows for you. Now, where I come from, you have to pump your own gas and wash your own windows.
Here is something the attendant said when she came back to tell us out total:
"The national debt will be $64.67. Would you like me to contact the president for you?"
We thought it was really funny.

In Him,
Tiffany Raye

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Family Road Trip 2010: Part 5

Wednesday night we finally arrived in Cape May, New Jersey. It was late and we really just wanted to find a hotel and go to bed. Right on the water was a LONG row of hotels and B&B's. Unfortunately, there was no place for us. Discouraged and tired, we drove to a neighboring city called Wildwood. After trying a couple more places, we finally found a room. At half past twelve we dragged ourselves and our luggage up to our room.
Thursday morning we found out why it was so hard to find a room: a bikers convention that expected 50,000 people (I'm not kidding here). So we changed our plans and headed to Ocean City.

This is how I spent a great deal of my time in the car: with a book and a bottle of XXX Vitamin Water. Hey, getting there is half the fun! =D

On the way we stopped at two beaches, a boardwalk, a pier and a lighthouse.
Finally in Ocean City we walked yet another boardwalk.

Pier in Wildwood, New Jersey. It was really windy... usually I have a face ;)

Since the butterflies are migrating, there are a ton flying all around you. It's really cool to see.

After we finished walking the pier, taking pictures of butterflies and posing in front of white fences we had ice cream, walked 1/2 a mile of the boardwalk and hit the road again. But not for long... We found another beach and promptly climbed out of the car and tromped down the the beach.

Hereford Inlet Park. The crazy lines on the ground is actually sand blowing. When you walked, it would blow against you and it felt like someone was poking you.

"Can I help you?"

After the beach we stopped at Hereford Inlet Lighthouse. During the tour I couldn't decide if being a lighthouse keeper would be boring or intriguing. On one hand, the keeper has to be there all the time. On the other hand, it't so neat to think about how you would get to live right on the ocean and be able to have the incredible view from the tower every day. Plus, think about all that exercise you would get going up and down all those stairs every day. ;)

The garden behind the lighthouse. There were a bunch of different trails and a ton of squirrels and birds to watch. I turned the corner of a trail and my heart stopped; until I realized that nothing happened to the squirrel lying on the ground. It was just drinking from the puddle. *relieved sigh. That is, until I scared it away.

After enjoying the trails and wildlife we climbed back aboard and set off again toward Ocean City.
Finally in Ocean City we walked another board walk and I rode the ferris wheel with my mom. I loved seeing the little town at night all lit up, from the top of the ferris wheel.

We have packed so much into these few days we've been here it seems like its been much longer.

"For by Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:16:17
It's humbling to see something as big as the ocean, and know that God created it. All of a sudden I feel really small. If I'm small in comparison to the Atlantic, there is no comparison for how small I am next to God.

In Him,
Tiffany Raye

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Family Road Trip 2010: Part 4

We got to New York Tuesday and spent the night in Queensbury. This town is so cute because it's really small and located in a valley.
Back on the road we were driving through Lake George (another adorable little town) when my dad saw a sigh that said we could drive up the mountain and stop at various lookouts. It turned out to be really cool. We drove up and stopped at the first lookout where we took a TON of pictures. Here are some of them.

Lake George from Prospect Mountain

Climbing a "cliff" at lookout number one

Mom on our "cliff" at the first lookout. I know you can't see Mom very well, but i thought the way the sun looked behind the rocks was great.

When we were almost to the top of the mountain, we walked up the trail and feasted our eyes on the view. It may not be the deepest valley or the highest mountain, but it made me happy just the same.

All of us on the top of Prospect Mountain.

Picture I took of Kris

After we enjoyed the lookouts and walk, we climbed back aboard our conversion van and headed back down the mountain. That's when I felt the need to find a scripture to describe how I felt. It didn't take long to find the perfect verse.
Psalm 125:2 "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people both now and forevermore."
That's how I felt when we were in the valley surrounded by trees; like God is surrounding me and that no matter where I go, He will always be around me.
I'm so glad that God saw it fit to surround us with beauty.

In Him,
Tiffany Raye

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Family Road Trip 2010: Part 3

We went to the aquarium in Quebec yesterday. As long as we have been coming to Quebec (over 16 years) I had never been there before. Even though it was crazy busy we had a good time. Get ready for a deluge of pictures!!! Here we go!

Look at them teeth!!! Yikes!
Seal show

Daphne making an "O"

Waving good bye

Outside on the path through the garden

Kris fishing for his souvenir

Walrus playing shy

Have you ever seen a polar bear stick its tongue out like a dog before?

Kris loved this!! I tried it but I'm too tall. :(

Thinking about all the amazing creatures we saw at the museum, I'm reminded of who made them, and the care He put into making them. If He put that much care into making animals, think about how much Love He put into creating YOU!!!

In Him,
Tiffany Raye