A friend of mine started a purity study for a couple friends and one of the things we did was write example letters. Here is mine:
~I feel so lonely. All of my friends have boyfriends. I'm trying to get guys' attention by texting, Facebooking, and emailing them. But I still don't have a boyfriend. Doesn't anybody notice me?~
~I just want you to know right now that I'm hurting for you! It's not easy or fun to be ignored.
First things first, you need to remember that God has designated someone special just for you. And that God will put you together when He is good and ready. God is never late, but he is not often early.
Secondly: even though it seems like all your friends are on their way to the ark the way they are paired up, it's okay to be single. Right after you accept Jesus you are complete in Him. You don't need someone else to "complete" you. The bible says "the two shall become one", not "the two halves shall become whole".
Last, but not least: the guy God made for you will love you for who you are. He doesn't need help noticing you, God will point you out to Him. Just as God will point out your prince to you.
Now, to elaborate on the pre-stated points: God designed someone special just for you. There are song lyrics that say And what if your prince comes riding in/While you're kissin' a frog /What's he gonna think then? Until then, get to know a lot of people in groups-not as potential dates, but as friends. You never know who God has planned for you. He could be someone you've known since preschool. If that's the case, do you really want him to stand by and watch as you chase all the boys in your social group? And if you meet him for the first time in college, do you want all the memories of past boyfriends to come to mind while you're with your new friend?
Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 7 - I want you to be free from anxieties... the unmarried woman is anxious about the things of the LORD, how to be holy in body and spirit. But the married woman is anxious about worldly things... I say this for your benefit, not to lay a restraint on you but to promote your undivided devotion to the LORD. Besides what Paul said, God has called us to be "set apart" so purpose in your heart to be different.
You know how when you're looking for something and you can't find it so you give up. That's when you find it. In a way, that's how you should think about princes and boyfriends. I'd also like to point out that while there's nothing "wrong" with having a boyfriend in high school; there's nothing really "right" with it either. I'm not telling you that you can't have a boyfriend in high school, because that's not my business. However, I don't recommend dating the entire basketball team looking for one. Simply keep your mind on the LORD and all other things will fall into place. Paul said in Philippians 4 - I have learned in whatsoever state I am, to be content. I know it's hard, but be patient.
Basically, you should wait on God because his timing is perfect. Purpose in you heart to be "set apart" and Focus on God no matter what. God is way more fulfilling than having a boyfriend anyway.~
The song quote is from "Princes and Frogs" by Superchick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfYNi9WRJb8
I know that this is prob not much use to anyone who reads this and is already married, but I really enjoyed writing this and if it get's a good response, I have something else I could post that is similar to this.
In Him,
Tiffany Raye